The holidays are upon us! A time to be thankful, celebrate with family and friends, and plan for a prosperous year ahead. Even with these traditional ideals at the forefront of our celebrations, it’s often too easy to overlook the most simple of blessings: shelter, life, stability, good health.

For all of us, none of these fortunes are guaranteed as we take each day one at a time. However, few are aware of the power of acknowledging these boons bestowed by the Creator. You don’t have to wait for the arrival of the festive seasons to tap into it either! Follow these four tips to help step into your best & most grateful life all year round, and share the bounty with those around you.

Celebrate Life

Many workers say prayers of thanks to Spirit in their own way on a daily or weekly basis. Even if this isn’t a part of your practice, have you considered including a prayer of thanksgiving for your life and the lives of those around you? Start your day by taking 5 minutes in front of a white tealight dressed with Blessing or Holy oil and thank Spirit for the chance to experience another day of life. Don’t forget to include a “thank you” for friends, family, and all who accompany you on your day-to-day journey!

Gratitude in the Workplace

Some of us are blessed to have careers we love. For others, it can be a challenge finding the will to get to that job day after day. Employ gratitude with a shift in perspective: a part- or full-time job provides not just financial abundance but a sense of stability that some people can’t attain. Consider setting a portion of your wages aside to fill a money blessing jar for an anonymous donation to a worthy cause or family in need as a gesture of generosity for the money you make.

Favoring the Unfortunate 

Homelessness and hunger are at their highest, yet so much food goes to waste, especially around the holidays. Along with making contributions to your local pantries, you may also want to donate coats, socks and unused wearables to those in need. Consider dressing some of those much needed giveaways in Blessing, Protection and/or Attraction sachet powders or oils (if you launder them first) before handing them over to impart a bit of practical conjure work to those in need. Canned donations can be dressed in Attraction and Blessing products as well before being given away.

Grateful for Safety

In a topsy-turvy world, safety can at times feel quite uncertain. Though many of us often do work for protection from the unseen, how often do we stop and thank the spirits that provide it? Think of adding a prayer of gratitude for the safety of you and yours to the end of your day. You may take this a step further and create a protection jar for your neighborhood or city, especially around schools, hospitals and universities. If you work with saints, give these buildings to them to guard and watch over.

These easy acts of gratitude will not only serve to place you in a spirit of grace, you may find your spiritual work improve as a result of a cultivating a generous and open heart. Remember, Spirit favors those who are grateful. As 2nd Corinthians 9:11 says:

“You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion,
and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.”

Wishing you a joyous and gracious holiday season.

Posted in Tips & Tricks

Let Evan Lionhart inspire you with a personal reading on Hoodoo Psychics! Heartfelt conjure and traditional rootwork are his specialities.

© 2022. Used With Permission.

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